Next Sunday is coming near and now is the right time to watch Game of Thrones s01e03 “Lord Snow.” However, we should appreciate the Game of Thrones episode 2, which aired a week ago. Everything went very well. And the question is, whether this latest episode could beat the previous episode in the number of ratings and audience satisfaction? Of course we hope the best for next Sunday so we can watch a TV show which was great in both plot and storyline. HBO has set a timetable slot which began May 01, 2011 at 9 pm.
And now let us together know what’s the spoilers and summary offered by this Game of Thrones s01e03 Lord Snow. Ned attains King’s Landing and ascertains a shock. At Castle Black, Jon Snow begins his training to become a man of the Night’s Watch. Catelyn leaves secretly for King’s Landing after being certain she knows who attempted to murder Bran. Arya begins her dancing lessons with Syrio Forel. Whilst on tour to Vaes Dothrak, Daenerys has problems with her brother Viserys. Jaime and Cersei are afflicted once they catch out about Bran’s fate.
This is more simple synopsis: Jon affects Tyrion at Castle Black while Ned faces up his past and future at King’s Landing. Take a look to watch a video preview promo below.